Attribute | Required | Values | Default Value | Explanation |
caption (aka: label) | No | Any text | n/a | The field caption is used as a label for the text box. |
minLength | No | Any unsigned whole number greater than or equal to 0 | 0 (if this field is optional), 1 (if this field is not optional) | The minimum number of characters that should be deemed an acceptable submission for this field. |
maxLength | No | Any unsigned positive whole number | 128 | The maximum number of characters that should be deemed an acceptable submission for this field. |
multiLine | No | true, false | false | Whether or not the user’s submission for this field may span multiple lines. |
defaultValue (aka: initialValue) | No | Any text | Null if field is optional, empty text otherwise | The default value to submit for this field if the user does not provide a response. |
content | No | text, password, email, phonenumber, unsignedint, signedint, unsignedlong, signedlong, unsignedfloat, signedfloat, unsigneddouble, signeddouble | text | The content type that this field expects (this may alter how the user interacts with the field – for example, selecting a numerical content type may present a numerical keyboard rather than the usual alphanumeric). |
regex | No | A Java-syntax regular expression as a string | n/a | A regular expression against which to match the user’s submission. If this attribute is provided, only submissions which match the regular expression will be accepted. |
autoCaps | No | none, all, words, sentences | none | The mode for auto-capitalising user submissions for this field: none (no auto-capitalisation), all (capitalise all characters), words (only capitalise letters at the start of words), sentences (only capitalise letters at the start of sentences) Note these are only applied if content = “text”. |