Attribute | Required | Values | Default Value | Explanation |
max | No | Any integer (whole number) | 255 | The maximum number of audio recordings that can be attached to this field. If max is set to 1, then the multi-item review interface is disabled and the user can only ever visit the single-item review interface to review their audio. |
review | No | true, false | true | Whether or not to allow the user to review the audio they have just made. If set to false, the user will be taken straight to the next field when they make a recording. |
approveImg | No | A relative path to an image file | n/a | Path to a custom image to use on the “approve media” button (default is a tick icon). |
discardImg | No | A relative path to an image file | n/a | Path to a custom image to use on the “discard media” button (default is a trash can icon). |
startRecImg | No | A relative path to an image file | n/a | Path to a file containing the custom image to be used for the “start recording” button. |
stopRecImg | No | A relative path to an image file | n/a | Path to a file containing the custom image to be used for the “stop recording” button. |
recordingImg | No | A relative path to an image file | n/a | Path to a file containing the custom image to be used to represent the audio at the review stage (default is a cassette icon). |
startPlaybackImg | No | A relative path to an image file | n/a | Path to a file containing the custom image to be used for the “start audio playback” button (default is a play icon). |
stopPlaybackImg | No | A relative path to an image file | n/a | Path to a file containing the custom image to be used for the “stop audio playback” button (default is a stop icon). |